Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Darwin

Today and tomorrow we will be using computers to research the impact Charles Darwin had on the science of genetics and our understanding of how living things have evolved over time. Darwin developed the theory of Natural Selection based on observations he made during his trip aboard the Beagle.

Using THIS ARTICLE answer the following questions:
  • Explain at least 3 of Darwin’s observations of nature that led to his ideas (Darwin's Big Ideas)
  • Why is evolution via natural selection the basis of all of biology? (Darwin's Big Ideas)
  • How do Darwin’s ideas influence our understanding of the sciences?(Darwin's Big Ideas)
  • How does evolution continue to affect us today? (Darwin's Implications)
Using THIS WEBSITE develop a timeline for the voyage of the Beagle - include the 9 main dates, give details of the location and give specific details about what scientific activity Darwin did while at this location. - do not just use the info on the main page - click on the "go here" links

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